Masters of Martial Arts | DOS Taekwondo
Tuesday, July 14th, 2015
Masters of Martial Arts — Australia
DOS Taekwondo began working on 2005 at Australia. It was initially framed by a Taekwondo and Martial Arts Grand Master Sascha Ostermann. Master Sascha passed his insight and authority of taekwondo and hand to hand fighting to his understudy and the present Grand Master of DOS Taekwondo Australia, Serdar Guner. Serdar “Sam” Guner has accomplished a great deal of acknowledgment globally and has been known as a Masters of Martial Arts and Taekwondo. He now run DOS Taekwondo and advances a fun, protected, dynamic and energizing preparing environment for all yearning Taekwondo and Masters of Martial Arts .
DOS Taekwondo gives their understudy parallel open doors and they concentrate on every individual’s advancement. Their primary objective is to accomplish the short and long haul objectives of their understudies at the most proficient way that is available. The understudies are roused and motivated to achieve the level of accomplishment that they seek after. They are likewise given space for them to choose the accurate level of aptitude and capacity they craving to achieve.
DOS Taekwondo Masters of Martial Arts Taekwondo Classes for Kids
- DOS offers taekwondo and martial arts classes for children. We give safe and fun classes to youthful matured kids who need to accomplish authority of Taekwondo at a prior age. Taekwondo is an awesome help for the change of a kid. It aides add to a kid’s fundamental abilities and even incredibly enhance his self-control. Taekwondo shows a considerable measure more than battling. Routine of Taekwondo and combative technique likewise upgrades a man’s certainty, helping the individuals who have social issues to acquire companions and enhance their social and relational abilities.
- Taekwondo Sydney likewise offers classes for grown-ups. Anybody keen on taking in the specialty of taekwondo is welcome. With ensured security and fun environment, even the seniors will beyond any doubt make the most of their taekwondo preparation at DOS. Taekwondo enormously influences the physical improvement of a man, decreasing the weakness of a man to afflictions, for example, Cardio Vascular Diseases.
- With the right learning and direction, a man will thoroughly accomplish his greatest potential together with the encouraging comments of taking in the specialty of Taekwondo. DOS Taekwondo is the spot to discover experts of combative technique that will show you all that you have to know in regards to taekwondo. From essential to propel lessons, DOS taekwondo’s experts will likewise show you life aptitudes that you can use in your day by day living.
Dos Taekwondo is great for kids!
Now that you have learned that Taekwondo is not only for adults, perhaps you are thinking of enrolling your child now? Well, Dos Taekwondo is great at taking care of childrens’ safety. There is no need to worry about your child for Dos Taekwondo is the best! Just looking at the title, Masters of Martial Arts, tells it so. If you have questions and inquiries, please contact us at 1300 338 919.
Be a part of our taekwondo team, learn all about taekwondo and be the next Masters of Martial Arts. Call us or visit us today!
You can also read our other articles about Martial Arts Sydney CBD | The Indomitable Spirit of the Martial Arts Master, Taekwondo Sydney at DOS | A Beginner’s Guide to Taekwondo.
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