Self Defence Classes Sydney | Martial Arts Nutrition Tips
Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

What else should I know about Self Defence Classes Sydney?
Self Defence Classes Sydney is not just about following strict techniques and steps in terms of body movement. It also requires following a proper diet that would cater to your body’s needs. There are signs your body is telling you when you are not giving it the proper nutrition it should be receiving:
- After a session of training or exercise, your body feels sluggish as if all of your energy has been drained out.
- You feel dizzy or lightheaded during or after a session.
- Your body seems to have a hard time keeping up with the pace of the training.
- You’re not seeing results when it comes to endurance, flexibility, and dexterity.
- You seem to be getting injuries more often (bruises, muscle cramps, etc.)
If these scenarios are familiar to you, then you better stop ignoring them when they do happen. It is time to get your body the proper nutrition it’s been longing for!
Nutrition Tips when Taking Self Defence Classes Sydney
Don’t skip breakfast!
Breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day. That is why some people prefer to eat the most food during breakfast, because it has positive effects on their day, cravings, and body, which includes:
- Assisting in your weight loss journey. Remember: skipping breakfast does not help on cutting down in calories. In fact, it actually increases your chances of being overweight.
- Decreasing the risk of heart diseases. A study has proven that simply eating your breakfast can prevent diseases that threaten your heart.
- Enhancing your memory. This can absolutely help you and your body remember more of the forms and techniques taught in your Self Defence Classes Sydney.
- Fighting your cravings. Eating breakfast will stop your body from craving the carbohydrates you have not provided for the whole day. This means you will be less likely to go on an unhealthy food trip.
This is why no matter what happens, never skip your breakfast.
Avoid inflammatory food
When we eat inflammatory food, we are eating food that will put your body in an inflamed or swollen state. You will start to feel like your digestion is a bit slower than usual, or that your bones or joints are feeling swollen. This can greatly affect your performance in your Self Defence Classes Sydney.
Here’s a list of food that you should eat less to avoid inflammation:
- Dairy Products (milk, butter, cheese, etc.)
- Sugar (cakes, sodas, candies, etc.)
- Processed meat (ham, hotdogs, sausages, etc.)
- Alcohol
- Deep fried foods
- Refined grains (white bread, white flour, pastries, etc.)
Eat more of this instead:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Fish
- Tea
- Herbs and spices (cinnamon, turmeric, cocoa, etc.)
Eat every few hours (around 3 to 4 hours)
We were taught that meals should only be taken three times a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But due to the changing and increasing demands on our body, three times a day just doesn’t seem enough. That’s why it is recommended to eat every few hours. It does not mean that you have to eat full meals, but light snacks just enough to supply your body with the energy and nutrients.
Eating small and light snacks every few hours will help boost your metabolism and uplift your mood.
Save the heavy-carb food for after your Self Defence Classes Sydney
It is a common misconception to eat a lot before doing something heavy, like martial arts. However, the opposite is actually much more convenient and healthier for your body. Researches show that the body is able to better process carbohydrates three hours after a heavy activity.
Just give your body enough nutrients before the training, save the bread, pasta, and pizza for later.
Do you want to learn more? Enroll now at Dos Taekwondo. You might hear things that you never heard before. Start making a change in your life now and see how your body rewards you. Live healthy, learn from the great masters of Dos Taekwondo!
Are you looking for a martial arts school that will help your body achieve its very best? Call Dos Taekwondo now at 1300 338 919 for more information!
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